“Susquehanna University has the best undergraduate writing program in the United States.”
– Robert Boswell, author of Century's Son

The Institute’s Visiting Writers Series brings several acclaimed authors to campus each semester for readings, Q&A’s, and interviews. Often these writers will guest-teach classes and even share meals with students. Past visiting writers include Andre Dubus III, Ron Hansen, and Sue Miller.
The Writers Institute also publishes three student-run literary magazines. RiverCraft features fiction and poetry from Susquehanna students, and its counterpart, Essay, features memoirs and personal essays from Susquehanna students. The Institute’s national magazine, The Susquehanna Review, publishes fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction from undergraduates across the country. The Institute also publishes poems, stories and personal essays by high school students in The Apprentice Writer and connects with other undergraduate literary magazines through FUSE, the Forum for Undergraduate Student Editors.
For more information about Susquehanna’s writing program, as well as excerpts, pictures, and other interesting things, visit the Writers Institute on the web, here.